Plant Trends

Botanical Trend: Wallpaper Paradise

Urban Jungle Bloggers Wallpaper Paradise

With Pantone’s announcement of Greenery as the ‘Colour of the Year 2017’ one thing is clear – the green trend is here to stay. And the botanical trend has evolved and developed over the past few years and has surpassed the mere use of houseplants in interiors. In fact, the botanical trend has spread to interior design and features botanical prints, plant mimicry, plant accessories, plant inspired furniture and botanical wallpaper. When we heard of an installation called ‘The Wallpaper Paradise’ by the German Wallpaper Association (Deutsches Tapeten-Institut), we were all ears. In fact, we were all ears and eyes because we came right to the imm furniture fair in Cologne to see their booth and their jungle interpretation.

Urban Jungle Bloggers Wallpaper ParadiseUrban Jungle Bloggers Wallpaper Paradise

Wallpaper has experienced a great boom – a little bit like houseplants if you want so. The story was similar: Both were very popular in the mid-century period up to the 1970s and 1980s and then became unfashionable. Until a few years ago when both had a big comeback in the interior world: Plants moved into creative homes and wallpaper was trending again. The popularity of both boosted also the quality, creativity and variety of both, plants and wallpaper. And this aspect is highlighted at this year’s booth of the German Wallpaper Association at the imm design fair in Cologne – a ‘Wallpaper Paradise’ celebrating the beauty of nature and wallpaper all in one space! The new wallpaper designs feature green and natural hues and surprise with contemporary and graphic designs as well as amazing haptic effects – these wallpaper designs need to be touched and not only looked at!

Urban Jungle Bloggers Wallpaper ParadiseUrban Jungle Bloggers Wallpaper ParadiseUrban Jungle Bloggers Wallpaper ParadiseUrban Jungle Bloggers Wallpaper ParadiseUrban Jungle Bloggers Wallpaper ParadiseUrban Jungle Bloggers Wallpaper Paradise

The ‘Wallpaper Jungle’ is an almost dreamy escape from reality drawing the visitor into its green realm: Huge flowers sit next to fleshy succulents, trailing plants cover the pillars, botanical leaves cascade from the ceiling, numerous hues of green mingle with purple notes, earthy tones and vibrant pinks. A garden of Eden made entirely of – you guessed right – wallpaper! Not a single plant is used in this space, not a single plant pot, nor any soil: The German Wallpaper Association manages to surprise its visitors by showcasing the versatility and beauty of wallpaper. And a paradise should have its proper inhabitants – don’t be surprised if you bump into Adam and Eve if you visit the booth in Cologne!

Urban Jungle Bloggers Wallpaper ParadiseUrban Jungle Bloggers Wallpaper ParadiseUrban Jungle Bloggers Wallpaper ParadiseOur heart beats for plants but we also love everything botanical that elevates the green trend into something tangible for your home. Beyond plants you can transform a room into a botanical paradise, into a real jungle, with a wallpapered feature wall for example. Imagine a feature wall with a bold wallpaper design with tropical foliage as a backdrop for your plant gang. Can you imagine the fantastic 3-dimensional effect? I think this is a dream idea for a future Urban Jungle Bloggers office, don’t you agree?

Urban Jungle Bloggers Wallpaper ParadiseUrban Jungle Bloggers Wallpaper ParadiseIf you have the chance to visit this year’s imm furniture fair in Cologne do not miss to visit the booth of the German Wallpaper Association in hall 3.2. You are in for a treat – the paradise has never been closer! If you live to far away, we have some pictures for you live from Cologne. And after the fair we will share a little video with you too. Stay tuned!

Urban Jungle Bloggers Wallpaper ParadiseUrban Jungle Bloggers Wallpaper ParadiseUrban Jungle Bloggers Wallpaper Paradise

This post is brought to you in collaboration with the German Wallpaper Association (Deutsches Tapeten-Institut). Thank you for supporting the brands that help support Urban Jungle Bloggers! Photography by Urban Jungle Bloggers.




Plant Trends

Plant Trends for 2017 by The Joy of Plants

Urban Jungle Bloggers: Plant Trends 2017

With Pantone choosing “GREENERY” as the Colour of the Year 2017 we simply know that 2017 will be a very green year. But what are the new plant trends? How will we use plants in our homes this year? The Joy of Plants (by the Dutch Flower Council) defined 4 different style trends based upon the current era: Harmonise, Energise, Equalise and Rebel. They recently presented these four styles in the beautiful La Villa Rose in Paris and of course we were there to see what these trends look like, what they mean and what they consist of. From cosy and collected, to mix & match and from energetic to colourful: there is something for every plant lover. Which one is your favourite plant style trend?

Urban Jungle Bloggers: Plant Trends 2017

Urban Jungle Bloggers: Plant Trends 2017

Misleading experiences mean that the need for truth and trust is greater than ever. As a result, fact checking has become a popular pastime – we want to have certainty about the world. Sensory perception therefore becomes incredibly important. This is expressed in personal rituals that see us recharging from nature. Places where we can retreat and feel nature around us are important. We surround ourselves with flowers and plants which fulfil a symbolic role. Natural, round shapes allow us to find peace. Natural patterns and designs derived from flowers and plants typify this trend. Green is at the heart of the colour palette, alongside calm colours such as pale yellow and pink and lilac accents.

Urban Jungle Bloggers: Plant Trends 2017

Urban Jungle Bloggers: Plant Trends 2017

Urban Jungle Bloggers: Plant Trends 2017
The imbalance in the world makes it clear that standards need to be adjusted in order to restore equilibrium. Amidst all the violence we have lost sight of the human scale which provides understanding and connection. As a counter-reaction, we close ourselves off from the bigger picture and focus on something small and tangible. In and around the home, small flowers and plants are placed on a pedestal and are given equal status with all other products. In the garden this is expressed in an alternation of living greenery and dead materials. The combination of various unusual materials and a mixture of romantic and bright colours create a new harmony. Both feminine floral patterns and masculine minimalist patterns with small checks and stripes are important.

Urban Jungle Bloggers: Plant Trends 2017Urban Jungle Bloggers: Plant Trends 2017
We are preparing ourselves for a fresh move forward following the economic crisis. The energy is tangible. Being fit and radiating energy is the new creed. Personal data becomes a new means of payment, and that creates a new zest for life – we want to be seen as energetic and innovative. As a result, plants and flowers are increasingly seen as the ultimate source of oxygen, and thus the source of energy and vitality. Everything projects a winners’ mentality with which we show that we can take on the world and enter the new era fit and active. We create a simultaneously relaxed and active space by combining fresh, powerful and functional together. This is reflected in powerful, stark flower and leaf shapes in eye-catching colours. The focus is on energetic colours combined with a paler or faded tone. The stark, geometric materials and patterns feature sports references such as stripes, dots and honeycomb structures.

Urban Jungle Bloggers: Plant Trends 2017

Urban Jungle Bloggers: Plant Trends 2017

In times of rising tension and stress, we need to find a release. In order to survive, it’s imperative that we put things in perspective and take a light-hearted view of serious matters. There’s a need to soften the existing situation. In response to this, an atmosphere is created in which there appear to be no rules, but instead colour, cheerfulness and silliness. Flowers and plants are ideal for meeting this need by using unexpected colour combinations and shapes. Convention is thrown to the wind and we get the chance to adopt a contemporary, unique angle. Anything’s possible – everything’s allowed!

Photography by Urban Jungle Bloggers






