Our fourth and final winner of the #UJBXMAS photo contest on Instagram is Ilaria Fatone from Un Due Tre Ilaria. She has been posting so many festive and green pictures this month, we just couldn’t (and didn’t want to!) ignore it. Of course, we also asked her a few questions about green decoration during the holidays.
We loved your green festive ideas for #UJBXMAS. Now we are looking to New Year’s Eve – will you have any specific green decor ready for that festive night?
Once Christmas is over I always put away the decorations, but I keep all the garlands’ lights. I asked my mother to bring me some mistletoe and holly from our country home. They both add a festive green touch. I still have the pine tree branches I used as a tiny Christmas tree and now that the Christmas decorations are gone I like to put just the lights on. We won’t spend the New Year’s Eve at home but this simple decor will stay with us for the next couple of weeks to keep the festive feeling going.
What is your green tip for the start into a new year?
Make your home a jungle inside. We tend to wait until Spring to concentrate on plants because we can do it outdoors, but wintertime is also a good time for it. I like moving things around at home. Move your plants around as well! The spots they have during the sunnier months might not be suitable anymore at this time of the year. I also like to cut little branches from the succulents I keep in our window sills and have them grow in vases at home, sort of little green « bouquets ». At Spring they will be ready to be put in a pot and start their new life !
What do you wish for in 2015?
I try not to put too much pressure on 2015 but I have a couple of things I truly wish. For the first time in a very long time I do what I love as a living and I’m working hard to make my Interior Styling business grow bigger and bigger, to keep the balance I have between my family life and my professional activity and, last but not least, to keep inspiring people with my blog.
Merci Ilaria!
You can see more of Ilaria on Un Due Tre Ilaria and her Instagram.
We’d like to thank everyone for inspiring us this month on Instagram. There were so many beautiful green contributions, it was a feast for our eyes and green souls to choose a winner every Monday. Thank you very much for that! We will be back soon with a fresh new January topic (you can still subscribe here if you want to hear about it first), but for now: let’s celebrate New Year’s Eve! See you in 2015!